Tuesday, April 12, 2011

great barrier reef vacation part I

today is day four of our first family holiday in the southern hemisphere and we picked a great time and location for it. getting here by air was easy. as an american i have gotten so used to all the security from removing shoes and jackets to segregating my liquids. flying within australia hearkens back to the pre 9-11 days when you could see someone off at the gate or greet them with flowers. it was completely refreshing to fly.

once in ailie beach we were pleasantly surprised by the resort. our 2 bedroom apartment was clean well sstocked and on the pool for great views and convenience. not to mention the view of the coral sea from our terrace.

the highlight so far has been the great barrier reef. fortified by a dramamine, a xanax, and two immodium, i not only survived but thoroughly enjoyed the day. once i stopped hyperventilating through the snorkel, i just floated in wonder at the sights. the best moment? when nicole returned from her first scuba dive ever with an indescribable look in her eyes. she loved it and wants to do it again.

today we are enjoying the airlie beach

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