Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's My Birthday - Part I

It's my first birthday in Australia.  People have asked me, with concern, how I will be spending the day.  Well, I am having a GREAT day.  I just got in from my 2-1/2 hour champagne lunch where I celebrated turning 45 with five absolutely lovely ladies - three Australians, a Brit, and a South African.  I left with an armful of flowers, cookies, a gorgeous scarf, and Bill Granger's Sydney Cookbook.

We dined at the Ad Lib Bistro in Pymble.  What a fantastic meal.  Spaghettini with chili, parsley, and hand-picked crab meat.  Why does "hand-picked crabmeat" sound so much yummier than just, plain, crab? I picked the restaurant out of the Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2011.  Really, really good.  If you are in the Sydney area and haven't eaten here, I highly recommend it.

I have dinner with Larry and Nicole to look forward to tonight at a Japanese restaurant in Kirribilli.  Can't wait!

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