Sunday, March 6, 2011


Whew, we are nearly done arranging all our worldly goods.  When we woke up on March 2, our house looked like this:

And then, just a few hours later, it looked like this!

We had just the one living area with monochromatic rental furniture - serviceable but boring.  Because we'd bought a refrigerator, the rental became a fixture mid-way between the dining and lounge areas.

The relocation movers arrived promptly, and somehow, they managed to maneuver the double lorry in reverse to park in front of our house.  No idea how they did it, since street parking is the norm in the area.  Driving a regular car is sometimes taking your life in your hands as you dodge oncoming cars by slipping into the spots between cars parked on the street.  The lorry driver, Adam, must be a miracle worker.

When the truck doors opened, there was our stuff, wrapped in brown paper and packing tape, and we began the effort of truly moving into our new home. The moving crew were wonderful.  They unloaded the truck in record time and placed each item in the designated room (more or less).

Larry and I worked on unpacking and putting away.  It was joyful to see our things again; however, having lived with the bare minimum for so long, we both felt like we'd shipped too much.

It feels like we've been unpacking for days, and not everything is completely settled.  But it's darn close!

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