Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Lovely Sunday

Spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with my husband.  We walked around Lane Cove (for those of you in CT, think West Hartford Center) making notes of restaurant locations and shops.  Larry stopped for a milkshake.  Milkshakes in Australia are not the thick, foamy shakes of the US.  They are more like thick milk with flavoring.

After our stroll about Lane Cove, we headed home with a side trip for afternoon tea to a lovely outdoor cafe in Roseville near the tennis courts, Sous le Soleil.  Larry had his cuppa, and I enjoyed an Australian favorite, the Lemon Lime Bitters.  We shared a Berry Financier, which is not a banking professional covered in berries but is an almond cake with blue berries served with strawberry sauce.  This was just enough to tide us over until dinner after church.

It was quite a warm weekend, lots of sun, so it was good to be outside.  We'd gone to the beach on Saturday for about an hour.  From this scenic overlook spot, you can see three beaches:  Manly Beach on the far left, Freshwater in the middle, and Curl Curl on the right.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I realize I live in a place of such stunning beauty.

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