Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Day of Winter / What Does Roseville Look Like?

Winter has officially arrived in Australia.  June 1 is the First Day of Winter.  No snow in the forecast, but it has been the rainiest autumn in 8 years - over 530mm of rain.  Of course, I have no idea how much rain that is unless I use the internet to convert to inches (20.9 inches).  The trees are still green, the bamboo in the neighbor's yard is still growing, and the kookaburras still wake me up at 6:15 every morning.

There are two trees changing colors on our street.  They are maple trees (thanks 9th grade biology) with sharp, pointed leaves, and they are turning into golden yellow balls of light.  The picture really doesn't do the view justice, although you can also see the white van that is permanently parked in front of the neighbor's house.  In addition to the white van, they also have a white pickup truck, which is frequently parked right across the street from our driveway (makes backing out a challenge.)

So, that's the view from our spare room window.  It occurs to me that I haven't posted many (any) shots of our village.  Here is a virtual tour of Roseville. 

When you arrive in Roseville by train, your first visit is to the Roseville train station.

From the train station, you can walk to our house by crossing Pacific Highway and walking along the Rifleway.

The Rifleway is a short cut that involves a few sets of stairs and an elevated pathway through a few backyards.  Nicole walks the Rifleway every day on her way home from school.

In the center of Roseville, on the other side of the train station, is our new church, St. Andrews Anglican church.  During the summer, after the service, "supper" is served outside the main doors.

At the end of the walk from train station, through Rifleway, to home, you arrive at our front door:

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