Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Little Culture, Anyone?

After last weekend's massive shopping expedition, when we ordered a washer, dryer, and refrigerator, we were looking forward to doing something fun this weekend.  Sadly, the weather was not conducive to the beach as it was drizzly and overcast.  So it was off to the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and Larry couldn't have been more excited!

The line to see the Emperor's Entombed Warriors was out the door and around the block (figuratively speaking), so we contented ourselves with touring the permanent collection of Aboriginal, Asian, and Western art.  Larry and I agreed that the coolest thing we saw was a sculpture by Antony Gormley.  From across the room, it looks like a "blurry" figure, and as you get closer, you realize it is deliberately pixilated.  And then you start to wonder what, exactly, the figure is doing - praying? bowing? or something else altogether?

The Praying Mantis also intrigued me. It reminded me of Hopper from A Bug's Life. (Yes, I know Hopper was a grasshopper and this is a praying mantis.)

If you find yourself in Sydney, the Art Gallery is a great way to spend an afternoon!

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