Friday, February 4, 2011

Tidbits and Oscar Nominees

It was a busy week as Nicole headed off to school each morning dressed in her new uniform.  The hat arrived on Thursday, and it really completes the look!  We are more or less settling into a morning routine that includes me buzzing her up to the train station because it's just so hot in the mornings.  She does walk home and arrives bedraggled and ready for a icy-pop.  Apparently the school building is air conditioned, so she doesn't suffer too much during the day.

Air conditioning is not standard here, though.  A few girls have been sharing how they sleep with their doors and windows open to let the cooler night air in.  Larry mentioned that a few people have come to work looking a bit on the weary side after a night of little sleep.  I'm so glad our rental has central air.  What on earth would I do otherwise???

This was my first week of spending a lot of time alone. I spaced out some housework, produced some actual work deliverables, and went to see The King's Speech.  Very enjoyable, and Colin Firth was terrific as King George VI.  It was painful to watch him stammer and stutter his way through the movie.  Helen Bonham-Carter is always interesting to watch, especially since she usually plays such nutty characters (Bellatrix Lestrange, The Red Queen, Mrs. Lovett).  How odd to see her playing the woman we came to know as The Queen Mum.

Larry and I went to see True Grit, in my quest to see as many Oscar Nominees as possible.  The 10 nominees for best picture are:
I've seen 4 of the 10, so it's doubtful I'll make it since a few of them are no longer playing.  I'll have to check On Demand.  Of the ones I've seen, I'd have to say True Grit has been my favorite and the one I'd be most likely to watch again. Not for nuthin', I think they are missing The Town from this list.

I tried a new Australian recipe this week - home made sausage rolls.  I adjusted to leave out the fennel (not a favorite here) and replaced it with Italian Seasoning.  I used a pork/veal mince and puff pastry.  They smelled great while cooking and tasted fantastic! I also satisfied my craving for a really good burger by making my own.  Nicole and I feasted on burgers the night Larry was away for his offsite.

At this moment on Saturday morning, Larry and Nicole are making muffins and planning their afternoon at the beach.  I am heading out with a new friend to a local mall to do some wandering.  Tomorrow, we buy a dryer - MAJOR excitement.

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