Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Mums

Friday was a great day here.  I headed off to the New Mum lunch at Pymble.  What a fantastic event!  Within minutes, I'd met a woman from San Francisco who's been living here 6 years (married an Aussie).  Then we started chatting with a woman from Capetown, South Africa who'd just arrived.  We must have been giving out vibes, because we attracted the attention of a lady from Oxford, England who had also just arrived and whose husband works for Microsoft.  When we sat down to lunch, we sat next to a recent arrival from Hong Kong, originally from England as well.  After a flurry of comparing our experiences in house hunting (expensive) and school selection (many of the same considered), we settled down to a really delicious lunch.

Long story short, from noon to 3:15, I had a great time with a great bunch of women, many of whom are in the same situation.  And now I have a birthday lunch to look forward to in just a couple of weeks!

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