Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend in Review

We had a very busy weekend.  Friday night, Nicole attended a Full Moon Party at the home of her youth group leader.  Since it was her first party, regardless of the agony caused, Larry walked her into the house and scoped out the goings on.  As she left the car, Nicole whispered to me, "You're my new favorite," before stomping along behind Larry.  She had a great time from start to finish and has made some nice friendships with the young men and women in the youth program.

Saturday dawned bright, sunny, and HOT.  Nicole prepped for and took her US Latin Mid-Term for most of the morning.  Once she was done, we headed off to the beach at North Curl Curl.  It was a perfect beach day.  The breeze kept the heat manageable. The beach wasn't too crowded. The water is crystal clear in Australia, and it is warmer than it ever gets in CT.  We lounged around in the sand and waded in the water to cool off.

Nicole picked out a movie Saturday evening, so we headed into Chatswood for a sushi dinner, a visit to Borders, and the movie. At Borders, we had one of the WORST customer service encounters of all time.  A few days ago, Larry had purchased a gift card for Nicole for Valentine's Day, and she was excited to use it. Turns out, they are selling gift cards but not telling the purchaser that they can only be redeemed when the total sale is twice the gift card amount. In other words, to use a $40 gift card, your sale has to be at least $80.  Nicole ended up paying cash for her books before we learned about this, and when we tried to return the books she's JUST BOUGHT, they refused to issue a refund.  We hadn't even left the store!  ARGH.  Australian Borders is OFF the list for us. 

As the situation was escalating, because even Larry was getting irate, Nicole hissed, "Don't make a scene."  And she left the store.  So we went to the movie, I am Number Four.  Very good, recommend it.

Sunday morning was HOT HOT HOT and Humid.  We headed off to brunch at Echo on the Marina.  Here is where we had brunch with new friends from St. Andrews Church:

Monday morning is cool and a bit rainy here.  Larry and Nicole have left for work and school, respectively.  I am blogging and listening to the news, which is a bit scary, to tell you the truth. What's going on in the Gulf and Wisconsin???

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