Thursday, December 23, 2010

Back Online

What did we do before the internet? Today I was able to see and talk to my sister and her family and my mother and father via Skype.  ( for free software so you can talk to me, too!)  Merry Christmas to us, thanks to the tpg people (don't ask me who they are, but one of them came to the house today to make everything work).

Here are a few pics from our first few days:

Larry met us at the airport and drove us home!

We drove over the Sydney Harbor Bridge and watched a few hardy souls climbing it.

A prophetic sign along our route.
Our home for the next 12 months.

Kookaburra sounds like a howling monkey, and he's not sitting in a gum tree!

Wild cockatoos are enormous and have very loud, harsh, voices.

I feel like I'm living in Jurassic park, what with the intense greenery in the backyard and the calls of the wild birds. 

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

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