Friday, December 10, 2010

Maintain, Don't Gain

I feel so loved! So many people want to see me before I take off next week.  Most of these get togethers involved food of some kind - breakfast, lunch, dinner - it's like a smorgasbord of yumminess.  Today I enjoyed a delicate eggplant parm with a side of spaghetti and a dollop of fresh mozz and delightful conversation with my neighbor.  Yesterday started out with breakfast at The Harvest Cafe with my aunt - over easy eggs with shredded potatoes and sausage.  mmmmmmm  Wednesday was lunch with Mom and Angela at The Village Cafe in Canton (smoked chicken quesadilla).  Tuesday was lunch at Max a Mia with CRD (fried calamari and salmon salad), and Monday was tea at Tisane in Hartford (just tea...whew).  Tonight, it's Mexican at Puerto Vallarta with the ladies from MUMC, with a side helping of Johnny Depp (if all goes well). 

If nothing else, I am now well-versed on dining recommendations all around the Farmington area.  Anyone need a suggestion??

Hard to believe I'm managing not to gain any weight, especially since I haven't been over to see Joy at Core since the end of November.  I went this morning for one last hour, a nice, stretchy, session that left me feeling looser and more relaxed than I have felt in days.  Thanks, Joyous!

So as I look ahead to the weekend, our last full weekend in CT, USA, we've got some family gatherings, a drywall inspection of the ceilings in the condo, cookie-baking day, and Nicole's farewell dinner with her friends on Sunday evening. Let's hope the weather holds!

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