Friday, December 17, 2010

Love Makes a Subaru

and my Subaru is now in the loving hands of friends.  I'm sure their 2 teenage daughters will enjoy the little car, especially the auxiliary jack that hooks the iPod through the car's stereo system.

The two of the biggest final tasks are complete: 1) the car is sold, the plates returned, the town hall informed, the insurance canceled, and the check deposited; and 2) the air shipment has been packed, wrapped and driven away.  I think our checked bags are more or less packed - we just have to figure out how to best distribute Nicole's school books and binders among them so as not to tip the scales too much.  Only one final, heart-wrenching, moment remains:  handing Jasmine over to her foster family for the next two years.  I'm crying already, and will cry more, I'm sure.  Wouldn't you? 

(Although, I must confess, I will not miss the nightly 9:00pm final trip outside in below-freezing weather.)

On the upside, Larry has moved into the house, rental furniture and all.  The TV and vacuum cleaner both arrived as scheduled, and there have been wildlife sightings!  A kookaburra and a bush turkey (whatever that is) have both wandered through the backyard.  And for those of you wondering, the backyard is heavily screened with bamboo, so only the bush turkeys and kookaburras will be peering through the wall of windows featured so prominently in the photos.

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