Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our First Trip to the Doctor

Nicole spiked a fever of 38.4 yesterday (101.4), and so I spent the morning today figuring out the Australian healthcare system and our insurance provider.  Turns out, things are a lot more straightforward than in the US.  We can go to any doctor we want; there are no preferred provider networks or discounted coverages.  We do have to pay at the time of the visit and then file for reimbursement, so that's a bit of a pain.  Some doctors, though, have this thing called HICAPS where you just swipe your card and the claim is filed automatically.  So that will be something to look for.

The next step was figuring out what kind of doctor to call.  Based on research, a family practice seemed the best place to start. (Every other kind of doctor is a specialist.) The other day, while walking around Roseville, I had spotted a family practice and jotted down the number.  We got an appointment for noon today. Easy peasy.

The doctors office was... hmmm... small.  Ancient.  Lots of old people sitting in chairs.  We got there 10 minutes before our appointment to fill out all the forms.  Only, in AU, THERE ARE NO FORMS.  We didn't fill out a thing.  Just sat down and waited for Nicole's name to be called.

The doctor, Dr. Chen, diagnosed tonsillitis (he told her that her right tonsil was pustular) and prescribed an antibiotic called Klacid (clarithmycin).  A quick swipe of the credit card ($40 for the office visit) and we were on our way.

We strolled down the street to the Chemist to fill the prescription.  While there, I mentioned that I was looking for some additional thermometer sleeves (the things you slide over the digital thermometer).  They didn't have them, but the young ladies instantly pulled out their order book to see if they could find some for us.  Very friendly, very personable.  The pharmacist filled the prescription in about 3 minutes and came around to the register to ring us out.  Very different experience from CVS.  Another swipe of the credit card ($18.20) and we were on our way home...

...where I filled out my very first healthcare claim form so that we can be reimbursed for our expenses today.

Hopefully the antibiotic kicks in quickly and Nicole starts to feel better soon. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and it would be great to be a part of it.

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