Saturday, December 18, 2010

Going Dark

It's Saturday night - our final night on US soil for a while. Wonderful family dinner of chicken parmigiana topped off with Italian pastries, laughter, and tears.  Sendoffs, hugs, and the moment I've been working up to for months - the Jasmine hand-off.  Of all the transitions and changes, it's the dog that has me the most worked up.  And I'm not really a dog person - they slobber and shed.  I'm a Jasmine person.  She's gone to a good home for a while, and we'll get her back upon our return, but in the meantime, I can't explain to a poodle, no matter how smart she is, what's going on.  I know it will take her about 3-4 weeks to settle into her new surroundings and create a new routine, and it's far better than worrying about her in a quarantine facility. 

Then, of course, the farewell from my sister, her husband, and my niece and nephew.  My niece presented me and Nicole with handmade necklaces.  She's obviously talented - the necklaces are beautiful and inspired and reflect our personalities.  My nephew described his favorite book (James and the Giant Peach) and some other books he likes to read.  Ange, Andrew, and I had some great laughs on a variety of topics, and the evening ended with hugs all around as my nephew announced "See you in two years" on his way out the door.

The "kids" seem less affected by the idea of distance and time away.  I think the world seems smaller to them than it does to older folks.  They spend so much time chatting, IMing, and posting that geographical location doesn't really matter.  Whether they are in Farmington or Sydney, the internet enables relationships and communications.

Larry has started settling into the house and has begun making arrangements for utilities and services.  Included among these is broadband internet access so that we can communicate with the outside world.  As I contemplate a possible one or two weeks without wi-fi in the home, I have started to realize how much the online world has become part of the fabric of daily life. 

Need to know a phone number? Bing it!  Need an address or directions? Bing it! Want to tell someone a funny story or let them know what's going on? Log on to Facebook or email!  Want to talk to someone? Skype!  Other than relieve some early carpal tunnel syndrome, what will I do without internet access!!??

Thus the title of this entry, "Going Dark."  It may be a while before I can post another update.  When I asked Larry about wi-fi spots, his sole suggestion was MacDonald's (Macca's in Aussie-talk).  Not sure where the closest Macca's will be, or when the home network will be up and running...but I promise updates as soon as I can log on once again.

So time to load the Kindle, check and double-check that the passports are accessible, and cram the final items into the suitcases!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for safe travel, happy reunion, and smooth transition to our new home.

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