Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Eating Kangaroo and Visiting Schools

So, yes, to answer everyone's question, we DID eat Kanga and Roo and Skippy (although I've never heard of Skippy, apparently a few of you have).  And it TASTED GOOD.  It did not taste like chicken (that was the crocodile). It tasted more like a very lean beef.  Perhaps the experience was colored by the very nice wine that accompanied the meal, not to mention the wonderful company. They had to kick us out at 9:45!  Don't we look like we had a good time!!??

Carla and Larry and Kanga
The dinner was at the Senior Minister's home with his wife and family.  Also at the table were the Operational Minister and his wife.  Nicole hung out with the kids of both families and seemed to have a great time as well.  Yes, she also consumed the kangaroo.

I will state that neither Larry nor Nicole are in any big hurry for me to cook kangaroo at home.  Should I take this as a commentary on my cooking abilities??

Today, Thursday, we visited the first of two schools that are on our short list.  Pymble Ladies College is absolutely beautiful and offers tremendous variety in classes and extra-curricular activities.  It's quite a bit larger than Walkers; however, I think Nicole may be ready for a larger pond on a lot of levels.  She seemed to like the school and the people we met.  The campus is pretty quiet, though, since everyone is still on break.

They've just built a tremendous new Senior School with technologically enhanced classrooms, a social center, a study room, and a cafe.  So PLC is still in the running.

Friday we visit a much smaller option, more on the lines of Walkers, called Roseville College.  It's substantially smaller, with just 80 or so girls in the year.  (PLC has over 250 in Year 11.)  Ultimately, it will be Nicole's decision on where she feels most comfortable and at home.

I hear there is more snow predicted for CT.  The weather here is calling for increased humidity and heat. Guess which I'd rather deal with??

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