Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Excitement in Australia

Most exciting moment:  when a woman at church handed me a bag full of...wait for it...brown sugar and cinnamon pop-tarts! I'd mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we were missing some things that just have no replacement.  And as good as Nutella is, there are just some things we miss.  The pop-tarts were one.  She happens to work in Sydney down the street from a US-store.  How great of her to 1) go to the store; 2) remember the flavor; and 3) buy the boxes!

Earlier on Sunday, the Sydney Expat American Meet Up Group held a touch football game in Sydney, and we dutifully wore our red and blue t-shirts and headed down town.  After over a month of hearing just Australian accents, I must confess it was a bit jarring but also comforting to hear a bunch of people "speaking American" around me.  Larry joined in the game.

At the Domain playing touch football

Nicole and I  headed off to the Autralia Post Office in lovely downtown Roseville.  Not only did we have mail to send, we had a package to pick up!  What could it be?  We'd spent the weekend speculating on what might await us at the post office.  Imagine my excitement (and Nicole's dismay) when it turned out to be my new steam mop! 

I couldn't wait to get home and steam clean the tile in the common room - and I won't describe the shade of charcoal that slowly developed on the pristine white cleaning cloth.  (I just did, though, didn't I.)  I had a blast playing with my new toy.  Next:  the bathrooms.

Since we accepted the offer of a place at Pymble Ladies College, the main topic of conversation has been course selection.  Because of how the Australian school system works, there is active debate within our household around whether Nicole should take science or not.  Australia doesn't require it, and whichever subjects Nicole elects for Year 11 carry over into Year 12 - which means 2 years of the same science.  The last two years of high school, here, are meant to be preparatory for university, so students take courses that interest them rather than fulfilling graduation requirements.  After consulting with our friend the Dean of Admissions at a CT University, we decided that Nicole would opt out of science, since she's not intending on pursuing a scientific career.

At night, I headed out to the movies with Melissa (a new friend) to see Black Swan.  Very strange, very odd.  I'm hard-pressed to think of an odder movie,and I've seen some off-beat films.  I understand why it's nominated, but I don't think it will win Best Picture, although Natalie Portman is stunning in the movie. 

January 26 is Australia Day, a national holiday that commemorates the landing of the first British ship in Sydney Harbor.  We had TWO exciting moments.  First, Larry spotted a spider clinging to a web on our rumpus room window.  Thankfully, it was outside!!!

And, after a cookout of burgers on the barbie, we headed to Ku-ring-gai Bicentennial Park for Australia Day celebrations.  For those of you reading this who grew up in Farmington or Unionville, picture the Fireman's Carnival without rides but with a band.  We enjoyed the music of Tuckitinya Bush Band.  A bush band is a combination of country, blues, and folk styles.  They reminded Nicole of Raffi, the children's entertainer.  After a couple of snow cones and a few songs, we headed home.

This brings us to today, when the big excitement will be getting my hair cut and buying Nicole's school books.  Why is this exciting, you may well ask!  The book purchase requires me to drive an unfamiliar route to an unfamiliar destination.  So far, I've driven to the grocery store, the school, and the village center.  Today, my navigator and I are off to Artarmon, a whopping 2 towns over.  I've Google-mapped it, done the birds-eye view, and noted my landmarks.  With the GPS in hand, we venture south of Chatswood!

To all those who have asked, yes, I've started my new job working for a consulting company in Hartford.  I love what I'm doing and am having a good time with the people I'm talking to.  And I'm not just saying that because they read the blog! 

It is hot and humid here.  Temperature today is forecast at 30 degrees with 85% humidity.  And no, that doesn't mean snow.  30 degrees is 86.4 Farenheit.  Yesterday was 33 degrees (91+).

This weekend, we are off to see INXS at Bimbadgen Estate.

Ciao for now!

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