Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life in Australia

So Larry went back to work on Tuesday, and "life" in Australia began.  Nicole and I cleaned 2 of the 4 bathrooms and changed the sheets on our beds.  I found a small bug-like carcass in our bed, and for a panic-stricken moment, thought it was a bed bug.  I quickly checked the sheets for little blood droplets and peered under the mattress edge for other signs.  Nothing.  I breathed again and washed the sheets in hot, hot water.  The last thing I need is bed bugs.

Nicole took her Chemistry exam at the dining room table - well, really, the only table we have at the moment - while I researched possible vacation resorts in Fiji and talked via skype to Larry's mom.  If you're not familiar with Skype, and if you have distant friends and relatives, I recommend you get right on that.  Whether it's video calls, audio-only calls, or the chat feature, Skype has been a lifeline over the past two weeks.  I can see my mom (who is feeling much, much better) and my dog (who doesn't seem to register my voice) and dear friends (whose smiling faces are immensely comforting).

Everyone wants to know how exciting it is to live here.  And while we certainly did a lot while Larry was on holiday, we are in the early stages of building a life.  We've met people, but don't have friends (yet).  I have a car, but nowhere (really) to go.  We have school visits scheduled, but we haven't made a choice yet, and school won't start until the end of the month.  No excitement, really, unless you count the number of spiders and other invaders we kill or throw outside every day.

Lest you think this is a pity-party, it is not.  I'm quite excited about meeting new people and figuring out how to get around. It's a building process, and it's early yet.  I expect that, by mid-February, we'll be going great guns as Nicole becomes immersed in school, I get involved with Adult Studies at church, and Larry connects with the motorbike community.

So stay tuned for exciting news...

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