Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spaghetti, Salamander, and Skype

We had our first pot of sauce here in Australia, made from the paste I purchased from the little produce store in Roseville Village.  Gotta say, pretty good!  I would put less water in because it came out a little thin, but overall, tasty.  The meatballs came out great!

While we waited for the water to boil, I spotted a quick moving critter on the floor.  Definitely not a slug - this little fella could move!  Nicole proved quite adept at encouraging the little varmint to make his escape.

As an experiment today, I purchased $10 in Skype credit, which lets me call actual telephones for about 2 cents a minute. I tried skyping my friend Patty today; turns out, she has a camera, so we could see each other, but no microphone, so we wrote notes and held them up to our screens for each other to read.  After a minute of this silent movie experiment, I decided to try to Skype credit and called her home phone.  Then, I surprised my sister Donna, whom I haven't talked to since early December, and got to chat with my niece.  Overall, a successful foray into the world of Skype credit!

1 comment:

  1. we use Skype to video chat with Courtney's brother in Adelaide. Works great and it's free. Look us up.

    Mark B
