Saturday, January 22, 2011

We Chose a School and Went to the Beach

And Nicole's choice for school is...Pymble Ladies College.  It's one of the largest girls' schools in Australia, both in terms of enrollment and physical space.  Like Walker's, it has beautiful grounds. Unlike Walker's, there will be 260 girls in Nicole's year, providing her with the size she was looking for.  Nicole will spend most of her time in the just-completed Senior Centre, a technologically-enabled building with social center, cafeteria, study rooms, and classrooms.  She can continue her Latin and take all new offerings like Legal Studies. School starts January 31, so we'll spend next week getting uniforms and books and finishing up the remaining Walker's school work.

We spent the day today at Bondi Beach (pronounced bond-eye) and had a glorious time.  The sky was was clear, there was a light breeze, and the waves were sizable.  Nicole had a great time jumping into and over the waves, and both Larry and Nicole returned to shore water-logged and salty.

The sun in Australia is quite strong, and it has one of the highest incidents of melanoma in the world.  Thus, in my ongoing quest to resist aging, I protected my delicate skin from the rays of the Bondi Sun.  Much to Larry's great amusement.

Major Accomplishment!
One of the reasons Nicole was so enthusiastic about moving to Australia was a frozen yogurt shop called Igloo Zoo.  Much to her dismay, we discovered that the shops are primarily Melbourne based. Luckily, their first Sydney area store is in Bondi.  The highlight of our day was tracking down Igloo Zoo (which we did, after following a VERY roundabout route.)  Gotta say, the cocoa flavored yogurt was tremendously delicious.  Larry and Nicole both ate pomegranate, Larry with milk chocolate chunks and Nicole straight up.  Too sour for me.

We wrapped up the day with pizza at Nick's Pizza in Lindfield.  We are searching the Roseville area looking for great pizza.  So far, we've had three:  Pizza Olla; Domino's; and Nick's. Nicole and I both thought Nick's was the best so far - the crust is a little thick for our taste, and the sauce had a bit too much oregano.  Larry still prefers Pizza Olla and Domino's for now.  The search continues!

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