Saturday, January 15, 2011

Feeding Kookaburras

Although they are carnivorous birds, apparently the kookaburra who lives in our backyard is not averse to carbohydrates when they are on offer.  Larry made the family a pancake breakfast Saturday morning (yummy with Nutella) and we had a few leftovers.  When the very curious kookaburra flew by, Larry and Nicole thought they'd see how it responded to the pancakes.

(The video quality isn't great - sorry.)

As you can see, it's pretty open to new dining experiences.  In the background, early in the video clip, you can hear the cockatoos arguing in the background.  They stayed mostly in the tree, watching the kookaburra, but surprisingly not trying to get in on the free food.  Maybe cockatoos don't like pancakes?

After the pancake breakfast, we went shopping. Although our air shipment arrived on Thursday, there were still some clothing gaps: a sundress for Nicole; dress shoes for Larry; and shorts for me.  After 4 hours at the Chatwood Chase and Westfield Shops, we realized that clothing prices in Australia are truly mind-boggling. We headed out of the "mall" and onto the pedestrian mall where some more reasonable priced shops are located.  Nicole found a tank top at Sportsgirl and the desired sundress at Cotton On.  I picked up a white blouse at Sussan.  Larry, meantime, had already found his shoes at Florsheim, where they were 50% off and so cost $125.

Sunday morning we confirmed that Nicole's shower does, indeed, leak.  Slowly and from the corner of the door.  The showers here are walk in showers, no threshold at all, and dependent on the door and wall seals to contain the water.  I don't know how it works, but it does - except not in Nicole's bathroom now.

Larry is off to Whale Beach because he isn't content to hang out at home on the weekends.  Nicole and I will watch some playoff football - Green Bay at Atlanta - and then make up our shopping list.  This afternoon is church and then a Sausage Sizzle at a church member's home.

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