Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is there a doctor in the house??

I've heard these words occasionally - once on a plane, once in a store.  Today, I heard them as I was standing in line at the bookstore to purchase Nicole's school books.  And, since Nicole had just left me to get a drink of water, I looked over, casually, to see what was going on.  A small group of people surrounded a young woman lying on the ground, a man crouched at her side taking her pulse.  Imagine my shock when I recognized the young woman as Nicole!

She'd passed out briefly, thankfully not smacking her head against anything.

Everyone at the store couldn't have been nicer, and the man at her side was another parent there to pick up his daughter's books.  Turns out, he was an obstetrician and GP.  Talk about divine providence!  He stayed right with us, keeping an eye on her color, taking her pulse, feeding her ice.  He diagnosed vasovagal syncope, very common in adolescent girls and related to low blood pressure and dehydration.  Since Nicole had skipped lunch and hadn't had much to drink today, when she started standing in line in a very hot room, it just hit her.

She's fine, 100% fine, ate 4 slices of pizza when we got home, downed several cups of juice and a Sprite, and then joined us out for dinner, where she ate some bruschetta.

So tomorrow I call a local medical practice for the SECOND time since we've been here to get some tests run to confirm the diagnosis. Maybe I'll make an appointment for myself for stress-management!

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