Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our New Year - Crocodile Sandwich, Topless Beach, and Church - What a Weekend

Happy New Year, All!

It was a different kind of New Year's Eve for us.  For the past 10 years, we've generally spent New Year's Eve with friends, either at our house or theirs, with a dinner, games, movies, and lots of fun.  We closed 2010 as a nuclear family unit.  A drive to Whale Beach where we had lunch and hung out.  Then home, where I whipped up a batch of my special shrimp scampi - which came out great - and we watched Inception.  Maybe my expectations were too high based on Larry and Nicole's experiences seeing it before...but I found it a little boring.  Cool special effects, but a somewhat weak plot.  Anyway, it was a nice way to spend the hours before midnight.

Now, in the US, on New Year's Eve, there are 3 or 4 countdown shows.  In Australia, only one choice, which started 20 minutes before midnight.  And maybe it's just me, but the countdown of 4-3-2-1 is much more dramatic watching a ball drop than it was watching the Jersey Boys do the countdown while watching....the Jersey Boys.  The fireworks were impressive, hands down wonderful. We watched on TV but could hear the booming through our doors, as we aren't that far from Sydney harbor.

We thought about heading to one of the vantage points. Then we saw TV reports of people sleeping out for 24-36 hours in advance.  And with Nicole not feeling 100%, we decided this was not the year.  Maybe next year.

New Year's Day brought us back to Manly for lunch and a new bathing suit for me.  We lost Larry for about 20 minutes.  (He left the shop we were in to go to another.)  Once we found him, we headed to Manly Grill Steak and Seafood for lunch.  I ate a prosciutto and rocket salad with fried squid. Nicole ordered New England Seafood Chowder. Larry ordered a crocodile sandwich.  Looked and tasted like chicken!

We spent about an hour on the very crowded Manly beach, where tops were clearly optional!  Nicole was very discreet until we got to the car.  I asked her if she saw the boobies on the beach, and she just gave me one of those agonzied teenager looks.  Like "I can't believe my mother just asked me that." eye roll and all.

(Secretly, deep down inside, I know she thinks we're cool.)

On January 2nd, we went to church at St. Andrews in Roseville.  Finally, we met some people!  Nicole was whisked away by some youth, while Larry and I were able to connect with some of the members. Larry found an avid motorbike rider and began planning rides.  I chatted with a couple of the ladies about schools and kids and stuff.  I think this church community is going to work out quite well for us.

A killer thunder and lightning storm opened up on us as we left church.  And this morning, as I write this, temperatures are a bit cooler, and the day is still overcast.  Larry goes back to work tomorrow, and our holiday in situ will come to an end.

Now the real life stuff begins...

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